Wholesome Homemade Sauce: Flavorful Curd Sauce with a Twist of Indian Chutney

Indulge in the goodness of this flavorful curd sauce infused with traditional Indian chutney, boasting health benefits, vegan-friendly ingredients, and a burst of deliciousness. This versatile sauce complements a variety of dishes such as salads, wraps, veggie bowls, and roasted veggies, elevating your culinary experience.


Let’s Dive into the Recipe




Hung curd

Fresh mint leaves

Cilantro (coriander)

Red chili pepper

Salt to taste

Fresh lemon juice

Garlic cloves

How to Make Curd Sauce:


Step 1: Prepare Hung Curd


Begin by straining regular curd through a muslin cloth to achieve a thick consistency. This process helps in removing excess liquid, resulting in a creamy texture.

Step 2: Prepare Flavorful Paste


In a grinder, combine fresh mint leaves, cilantro, red chili pepper, salt, and garlic cloves. Grind the ingredients to form a smooth paste, ensuring a harmonious blend of flavors.

Step 3: Incorporate the Paste


Transfer the freshly prepared paste into the hung curd. Squeeze in the juice of a lemon to enhance the tanginess and balance the flavors.

Step 4: Blend and Serve


Mix all the ingredients thoroughly until well combined. Your delectable curd sauce is now ready to tantalize your taste bud.

Recipe –tps://youtube.com/shorts/B081qtZGGYs?si=UiG8wEZyDb_DekHf

Storage: Store the sauce in an airtight container and refrigerate for optimal freshness. It can be kept for up to 7 days, allowing you to enjoy its goodness whenever cravings strike.

Elevate your culinary creations with this healthy and lip-smacking curd sauce, adding a touch of Indian flair to your dishes. Whether you’re a salad enthusiast, wrap lover, or simply enjoy experimenting with flavors, this sauce is sure to become a staple in your kitchen repertoire. Get ready to savor the goodness of homemade goodness with every dollop!

Title: “Mastering Boundaries: Why You Need Them and How to Set Them”

“Mastering Boundaries: Why You Need Them and How to Set Them”

In today’s discourse, we delve into the art of boundaries: how to establish them, why they’re crucial, and how to relinquish obligations and guilt.


Before embarking on boundary-setting endeavors, it’s imperative to cultivate self-awareness and confidence. Here are three fundamental steps:


1. Clarify Your Desires : Begin by discerning what you truly want and need.

2. Boost Self-Confidence : Strengthen your self-assurance to assert your boundaries effectively.

3. Trust Yourself : Believe in your judgment and decisions.


Now, let’s address the crux of the matter:


1. Guard Personal Time : Preserve time for activities that nurture your well-being, whether it’s reading, dancing, or exercising. Clearly communicate your unavailability during these periods, offering alternative times for engagements.


2. Embrace “No” : Learn to gracefully decline requests when necessary, irrespective of the source. Cultivate the art of refusal with tact and appreciation.


3. Prioritize Breaks : Sustain productivity by incorporating regular intervals for rejuvenation. Adopt the 50-10 rule: work for 50 minutes, then indulge in a 10-minute break.


4. Delegate Wisely : Focus on your tasks and empower others to manage their responsibilities autonomously.


5. Set Availability Boundaries : Clearly outline your availability to prevent burnout. Communicate your limits and stick to them, offering alternatives or engaging in candid conversations when needed.


6. Limit device use : Mitigate distractions and enhance productivity by monitoring and limiting your screen time. Utilize digital wellness features to establish healthier habits.


By mastering the art of setting boundaries, you not only safeguard your well-being but also foster healthier relationships and amplify your productivity.

IS IT Necessary to Take Protein Powder?

IS IT Necessary to Take Protein Powder?

Protein, Protein….By now you must be aware about importance of protein powder and why is it important to add it in our diet.

But Do we really require to add protein powder to our diet? Many says yes …and there are some who says No..Whom to listen?

Warry not I am here to clear all your doubts about Protein Powder.

Protein is essential to build the muscle and for overall nutrition.

But the question is do we really need protein powder…”No” ,we need Protein in our diet.

Muscles are made up of amino acids and to build muscle we need essential amino acids and non essential amino acids. Non essential amino acids are the one body can produce its own through metallic process , but for essential amino acids are consumed via diet.

Some plant based products like soya , tofu , lentils can complete requirements but animal source have highest quality.

Types of Protein Powder?

whey-Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. It is very fast absorbing and is generally the type of protein that is recommended after exercise.

Casein protein is also a by-product of milk production and is a slower digesting protein. This protein is generally best to consume at night or as a snack.

Plant protein powders are generally a combination of protein derived from  pea,  or soy products.



There are 2 primary types of protein: concentrate, isolate.

Concentrate: A concentrate will generally contain less protein by weight and have more carbohydrates and fat.



Isolate: An isolate indicates the protein powder went through further processing to increase protein content and eliminate any carbohydrate or fat sources. Ideally, an isolate will digest and absorb faster than a concentrate, but both are equal in terms of protein quality.



  • •chicken
  • • Fish.
  • •Egg
  • • Dairy Products (milk, cheese, Greek yogurt)
    • Soybeans
    • Tempeh/Tofu
    • Hemp Seeds
  • •Paneer
  • •lentils and pulses


Protein powders are good for you and a great way to hit protein requirements. Yet, when it comes to protein powders, it’s important to be aware of additional ingredients that can be placed in them like heavy metals, artificial sweeteners and sugar .


So, what are the benefits of consuming a protein powder? To build new muscle tissue you need to consume a complete protein source. Protein powders (especially whey or casein) are complete protein sources!


Heavy metal, artificial Sweetner and sugar

How to avoid it?

By reading ingredients before buying products.

Here are few of my recommendations for You all

Whey protein -https://amzn.to/4bjThcZ

Plant Protein -https://amzn.to/48SeXLR

Source of information –


Good Bug Metabolic Lean – Review

Good bug Metabolically Lean  – Review

I am using this product since last 1 month…and I have notice so many good benifits about it.

Before sharing my results I would like to talk about  Good bug .


Bring back balance to your gut microbiome, boost metabolism, reduce food cravings and get closer to your weight goals with this Good bug  Metabolic Lean which contains Multi Strain blend, combined with Prebiotics and powerful amino acid, L- Carnitine.


  • Balance Gut Microbiome
  • Helps Reduce food cravings
  • Helps improve metabolism
  • Enhance nutrition absorption.


How this Good bug Metabolically Lean product work?

Our gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem, with billions of bacteria from over 400 species that reside in your gut. Various factors including the food we need, our lifestyle and even genetics determines nature of the microbiome and the type of bacteria that live there.

This gut microbiota forms a synergistic relationship with us, fermenting and breaking down food and in the process, producing a host beneficial compounds including short chain fatty acids like Butyrate, etc. The kind of bacteria in our gut often dictates the quality of these compounds produced.

These metabolites produced by the gut microbiome can impact everything right from how our food is harvested for nutrients and energy, protecting us from infiltration by pathogens, our metabolism and fat storage and even our hormones.

Increasing evidence points to how the nature of the gut microbiome can impact weight and obesity and various other health outcomes.

Who can take this good bug Metabolically Lean !?

  • If you want to start your weightloss journey
  • If you are stuck with your weight
  • If you feel occasionally gut health issues like constipation, indigestion, blotting.

Who needs to consult before taking Good bug Metabolically Lean?

  • Have high blood pressure and are currently using statins or blood thinners.
  • Are pregnant or lactating.
  • Are obese and are over 32 BMI.

 Now it’s time to share my experience 

  • Writing this review after using for one month
  • Starting changing results in my weightloss journey ( with workout and diet)
  • I was stuck with my weightloss …Good bug Metabolic Lean helped me with it
  • No more food cravings.
  • My bloating issue is solved ( currently)

Source of information – Good bug site

Link of product-get here-get here

Women and Fasting: Why Women Needs To Fast Differently



“Welcome, all , to this informative session on fasting. Today, we’re going to explore the importance of adopting a personalized approach to fasting, tailored specifically for women.”




“Fasting has been practiced for centuries and offers  so many health benefits. However, it’s essential to recognize that women’s bodies have unique physiological and hormonal characteristics, which require a thoughtful and individualized approach to fasting.”


SECTION 1: Understanding Women’s Physiology

“Before diving into the specifics topic of how women should fast differently, let’s take a moment to understand their unique physiology.”


“Women experience hormonal fluctuations throughout their menstrual cycle, affecting their energy levels, mood, and metabolism. These fluctuations are a crucial aspect we must consider when designing fasting strategies.”

Women experience different level of energy, mood, during there phases of menstrual cycle.


SECTION 2: The Different Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

“The menstrual cycle consists of four distinct phases: the Menstrual Phase, the Follicular Phase, the Ovulatory Phase, and the Luteal Phase.”


“During the Menstrual Phase, women might experience lower energy levels and may prefer more relaxed fasting approaches. The Follicular Phase sees a gradual increase in energy, allowing for more flexibility in fasting patterns.”


“The Ovulatory Phase, occurring midway through the cycle, brings peak energy levels and could be an ideal time for more intense fasting if desired. Lastly, the Luteal Phase presents hormonal changes that might make fasting more challenging, emphasizing the need for gentle fasting strategies.”

During ovulatory phase women increase hours of fasting , and they can play with different kinds of fasting , like 24 hrs water fasting, low-carb fasting.

During Luteal phase , due to mood change and low emotional state they might feel eating different or variety of food . In this phase you can try to eat atleast nutrition rich food and reduce junk food.


SECTION 3: Tailoring Fasting Methods for Women

“Now that we understand the importance of aligning fasting with the menstrual cycle, let’s explore some tailored fasting methods for women.”





“Intermittent fasting involves cycling between fasting and eating periods. Women may find that aligning the fasting window with their hormonal changes can optimize results and reduce potential discomfort.”

Research suggests, During follicular and ovulatory phase women can fast 16 hrs

And during Luteal phase 12-13 hrs fasting can be follow.


“Time-restricted feeding limits daily eating to specific hours. Women can adapt this approach based on their individual energy levels during different phases of their cycle.”


“Modified fasting allows for a more flexible approach, permitting the consumption of a limited number of calories during fasting periods, which can be particularly beneficial during the Luteal Phase.”

Depending upon your body need you can follow this diet or fasting types.


SECTION 4: Listening to Your Body


“The key to successful fasting lies in listening to your body and being attuned to its needs.”


[Scene shifts to show women engaging in various physical activities, meditation, and self-care practices.]


“During your fasting journey, it’s essential to nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods, stay well-hydrated, and get plenty of rest.”


SECTION 5: Seek Professional Guidance


“Remember, each woman is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, nutritionists, or registered dietitians can provide valuable insights into developing a fasting plan tailored to your individual need ”

Taking Professional help is all good idea ,if you starting something new or playing with your body.

Do read about – healthy meal planning 



“As we conclude , let’s celebrate the incredible power and resilience of the female body. By embracing personalized fasting approaches, we can unlock its full potential and achieve improved overall health and well-being.”


Thank you for connecting ☺️

Winter special – Green peas falafel / हरी मटर फलाफेल



Green peas falafel



You are going to love these green peas falafel recipe.They are so easy to make and pack with nutrition.

They are rich in fibre and protein.



Green peas 2 cups shelled

Garlic – 3-4 cloves

Salt as per taste

Cumin powder 1 TSP

Garam masala -½ TSP

Fresh coriander

Fresh palak

1 medium chopped onion

Lemon juice

Besan / gram flour – ½ bowl or oats powder

Oil for shallow or deep fry or air fry



Finely crush the peas, garlic, cumin powder, garam masala powder, salt , coriander in food processor or Grinder.

Transfer to large bowl , add onion , lemon juice and mix well.

Add besan/ gram flour or oats flour in the mixture.

Take small portion of mixture and shape it into falafal.

Heat the oil in pan / kadhi.

Once oil is hot then slide falafel and cook from both sides.

In air fry use 200° for 15 min.

Serve hot w

With hummus or mint chutney


Also check – Healthy meal planning 



Our daily Lifestyle habits and food play a great role in health. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world according to the Global Burden of Disease study, with 18.6 million annual deaths in 2019, of which around 7.9 are attributable to diet.This means that diet plays a major role in the development and progression of these diseases.

        A study in Nature Communications reports the importance of skipping breakfast or late dinners and how they help in improving cardiovascular health. The modern lifestyle of Western societies has led to specific eating habits such as eating dinner late or skipping breakfast. In addition , the daily cycle of food intake (meals, snacks, etc.) alternating with periods of fasting synchronizes the peripheral clocks, or circadian rhythms, of the body’s various organs, thus influencing cardiometabolic functions such as blood pressure regulation. Chrononutrition is emerging as an important new field for understanding the relationship between the timing of food intake, circadian rhythms and health.

    Scientists used data from 103,389 participants in the NutriNet-Santé cohort (79% of whom were women, with an average age of 42) to study the associations between food intake patterns and cardiovascular disease. To reduce the risk of possible bias, the researchers accounted for a large number of confounding factors, especially sociodemographic factors (age, sex, family situation, etc.), diet nutritional quality, lifestyle and sleep cycle.

The results show that having a first meal later in the day (such as when skipping breakfast), is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, with a 6% increase in risk per hour delay. For example, a person who eats for the first time at 9 a.m. is 6% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than someone who eats at 8 a.m. When it comes to the last meal of the day, eating late (after 9 p.m.) is associated with a 28% increase in the risk of cerebrovascular disease such as stroke compared with eating before 8 p.m., particularly in women. Finally, a longer duration of night-time fasting – the time between the last meal of the day and the first meal of the following day-is associated with a reduced risk of cerebrovascular disease, supporting the idea of eating one’s first and last meals earlier in the day.


These findings, which need to be replicated in other cohorts and through additional scientific studies with different designs, highlight a potential role for meal timing in preventing cardiovascular disease. They suggest that adopting the habit of eating breakfast earlier( prefer  within 1 hr after waking)  first and early last meals with a longer period of night-time fasting could help to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sources – https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-43444-3

 8. Soyabean chunks

100 gm of Soyabean chunks contains

Protein – 52 gm

Carbohydrates- 33 gm

Fat – 2 gm

Fiber – 13 gm

Total calories – 340 gm

 7. ToFU

100 gm of Tofu contain

Protein- 17 gm

Carbohydrates- 2 gm

Fat- 7 gm

Total calories – 110 gm


6. Curd / Yoghurt

100 gm of curd contain

Protein – 8-10 gm

Carbohydrates- 6 gm

Fat – 2 gm

Total calories – 78 gm